Round ears knitted.

I made this for Creating a knitting pattern

Created by: MamaKlaraToys

Designer designer-badge

  • Project Details


    I received a letter from a Mickey Mouse buyer. She writes that she does not know how to crochet! She is ready to abandon this project.
    For Mickey Mouse, I crocheted ears, a hat visor and black eyes. I can't let my client get into trouble! So I decided to make a pattern for knitting ears.
    Make sure it's very easy to do.
    Let's knit the ears. 2 details.Knit in garter stitch. Cast on 7 loops with black yarn.
    1: edge st, inc.1k, k3, inc.1k, edge st. (9)
    2: k9.
    5: edge st, inc.1k, k5, inc.1k, edge st. (11)
    4: k11.
    5: edge st, inc.1k, k7, inc.1k, edge st. (13)
    6: k13.
    7: edge st, inc.1k, k9, inc.1k, edge st. (15)
    8: k15.
    9: edge st, inc.1k, k11, inc.1k, edge st. (17)
    10-21: garter stitch.
    22: edge st, k2tog, k11, k2tog, edge st. (15)
    23: k15.
    24: edge st, k2tog, k9, k2tog, edge st. (13)
    25: k13.
    26: edge st, k2tog, k7, k2tog, edge st. (11)
    27: k11.
    28: edge st, k2tog, k5, k2tog, edge st. (9)
    29: k9.
    30: edge st, k2tog, k3, k2tog, edge st. (7)
    Bind off


    Toy Knitting pattern for a Mickey Mouse toy based on Steamboat Willie

    This pattern can be found here:



    Skill Level



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