Drop me a line sweater

I made this for Me

Created by: Andrea W

  • Project Details


    I enjoyed making this apart from the neck - I made the large size and could not get the ribbing to match when joining to the body - I thought I’d done it wrong but when I undid it all and tried again, the same thing happened - I just decreased a stitch either side but one side still didn’t line up - I did my best to rectify it and I don’t think it’s noticeable now though I know it’s wrong which irritates me a bit as I like things to be just right. Anyway once blocked, i’m pleased with it. I didn’t do as many rows in the body as I was finding it was getting long quite quickly - I also did the same with the arms.

    I made the front and back the same length as it didn’t seem to look right with the back longer probably because I ended up doing it quite long in the body so I undid it and made both sides match.


    Drop me a line

    This pattern can be found here:



    Skill Level



    Started on: Feb 1, 2024 Finished on: Mar 6, 2024
  • Comments

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    • Helen B

      It looks fabulous Andrea. It very irritating when patterns don’t work out. But well done for improvising a solution. It looks absolutely perfect. 🥰
      • Andrea W

        North London

        Thank you very much Helen, I am pleased with the end result 😊
    • Jennifer M

      Daleys Point.

      Fabulous jumper.
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